This is a rendering engine built from scratch with OpenGL and C++ that I’ve been working on intermittently for a couple years.
- Rendering Engine
- The rendering engine is built using OpenGL and implements the graphics pipeline.
- ECS Architecture
- The engine uses an Entity Component System architecture to manage objects and components.
- Bounding Volume Hierarchy
- The engine uses two different bounding volume hierarchies for collision detection. The first is a dynamic bounding volume hierarchy that is used for broad-phase collision detection, and the second is a static bounding volume hierarchy that is used for narrow-phase collision detection.
- The engine uses Dear ImGui for the GUI. Currently, it shows statistics such as FPS, and allows for toggling debug features like showing BVH nodes or regenerating the BVH.
- Logging System
- I created a custom logging system that allows for easy logging of messages both to the console and to a file. It functions using a macro that allows for specifying the log level and the message, and the macro will automatically add the current timestamp and filename to the message.
What I’m proud of
I first started this project in 2022, with no experience with any systems programming languages or OpenGL. Over the years, I’ve learned a lot of new things and improved the engine in many ways, and it’s in some ways a reflection of how my programming skills and interests have evolved over time.
Future Plans
I’d like to continue working on this project, and I hope to eventually have a fully functional physics engine that can be used for rendering simulations.